US Equities Tumble Into Red As “Spoofer” Sparks Sell-Off

A huge build in crude inventories started the ball rolling but a sudden “spoofer from above” sent US equities slumping this morning. The Dow and S&P have now joined the Nasdaq in the red…


Is “someone” trying to push the market lower? To enable The Fed to stay on hold for longer…

Here’s that 2000 contract sell order that chased eMini down at 10:51 $ES_F

— Eric Scott Hunsader (@nanexllc) October 7, 2015

Just like we saw yesterday… 

Our software isolates testing/spoofing. A clear pic of an #HFT test run in eMini this morning $ES_F

— Eric Scott Hunsader (@nanexllc) October 6, 2015

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Author: Travis Esquivel

Travis Esquivel is an engineer, passionate soccer player and full-time dad. He enjoys writing about innovation and technology from time to time.

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