Toppy Tuesday – 2,120 And Bust, Again…

Here we go again! Another big push pre-markets attempting to engineer a new high. As with most up days, yesterday’s low-volume fiasco had us punching 2,120 at the open, followed by a whole day of institutions selling to all the people Cramer and Co. could manage to chase into the market, following their promise of pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.


Cramer looks a bit like a Leprechaun, who are famous for tricking people with false promises of easy money as well.  We don’t promise easy money here at Phistockworld, we teach people “How to Get Rich Slowly,” using sound investment strategies and we DISCOURAGE the kind of hot money chasing that is the hallmark of CNBC and the rest of the MSM’s advice.  We are currently VERY CONCERNED with the level of froth we’re seeing in the markets and we’ve moved our Member Portfolios mainly to CASH!!! for the duration of earnings season (the rest of May).  

Maybe we’re missing a rally but, if so, there are still plenty of things that we can buy with our cash for very low prices.  Aside from stocks that tanked on earnings like CMG, TWTR, GOOG, WYNN, etc… There are still so many bargains in the commodity sector and, if this is a real rally and the economy is really heating up – don’t you think at some point we might need some raw materials?  

As you can see from the chart on the right, lumber has gotten 22% cheaper this quarter but Lumber Liquidators (LL), who buy lots of lumber, has gone down 60% since February.  Sure, they have a scandal and all that but still – don’t you think getting lumber for 22% less this Q might be a long-term benefit to them?  We already have a position on LL in our Long-Term Portfolio and it’s about flat so far and still a good entry as a new trade.  

Last week, in our Live Webinar, we discussed our FXI short as it topped out around $52.50.  We took a put option (June $50 puts) on FXI, which closed at $1.07 yesterday  and this morning we finally got some action as the Shanghai Composite took a 4% dive this morning on it’s first day back trading since Wednesday.

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Author: Travis Esquivel

Travis Esquivel is an engineer, passionate soccer player and full-time dad. He enjoys writing about innovation and technology from time to time.

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