Real Estate And Housing News – Tuesday, Oct. 3

We catch up on two weeks of Housing Data in this market video, and touch on the Trump Tax Plan and some initial thoughts by the industry regarding its effects.

Lack of available inventory, high prices, and rising interest rates spell inevitable housing correction! I imagine the debt & credit bubble, financial market bubbles globally, government and central bank poor policy making all contribute to a significant housing market correction in the future. Add to this mix poor positioning and excessive risk taking and overall leverage in the economic system and this time it will take probably a good decade to work through and begin the rebuilding process. In short, this is going to be one of the nastiest multi-asset bubble crashes in the history of human civilization!

Video Length: 00:12:16

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Author: Travis Esquivel

Travis Esquivel is an engineer, passionate soccer player and full-time dad. He enjoys writing about innovation and technology from time to time.

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