Precious Metals Starting To Produce Some Winners

Everybody who’s owned gold and silver mining shares through a couple of cycles has their favorite story of the stock that took off and ran away. There was Glamis Gold, which rose from $1 to $40 in the space of a few years before selling out to Goldcorp. And Silver Wheaton, which soared from $3.45 in 2008 to over $40 in 2011. And many, many more.

That’s how mining shares — which are, as the industry likes to say, leveraged plays on gold and silver — behave when the underlying metals start to rise. And you only need to find and ride a few such moonshots to justify a lifetime of obsessing over your investments.

Now, after a brutal and interminable bear market, a few of the better miners and streaming companies are starting to show signs of that famous upside potential. Three examples:

There’s no way to know whether this is a head fake in an ongoing bear market or the start of another epic rise — which, this time, we don’t want to miss! But when that epic rise does come, its initial stage will look like these charts. So the current action at least bears watching.

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Author: Travis Esquivel

Travis Esquivel is an engineer, passionate soccer player and full-time dad. He enjoys writing about innovation and technology from time to time.

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