If you make it so burdensome to operate a legit business, then you’re basically giving people without big lines of credit and capital few choices but to work in the cash-only underground economy.
It won’t be much of a surprise to those living outside the Washington D.C. beltway and the Unicorn Herd of start-ups selling for millions of dollars that the underground cash-only economy is one of the few bright spots in the U.S. economy. Correspondent B.U. recently submitted this report from rural America in response to my entry What Happens to our Economy as Millions of People Lose the Habits of Hard Work?, which mentioned those in the cash-only sector as not showing up in official employment statistics:
It is very common for folks where I live to get some form of subsidy be it SSI or WIC or whatever. Then they maintain their lifestyle by:
— Selling items for cash on Craigslist:
This is mostly sub $1500 cars, Building materials or scrap metal.
I know quite a few folks that are doing very well in this line of business.
–Selling at various ‘trades-days’:
A friend mine clears ~$100K just trading in gold, firearms and ammunition.
Others I know trade cattle and livestock.
Another friend repairs cars at his home. He has weeks of backlog and turns away work all the time.
The key to all of this is that these folks have no official business. They trade only in cash. They do not make deposits in the bank except for the government checks.
The point is that for these folks, unplugging was a pay raise just in the tax exposure. When they get sick, they claim indigent and get whatever they need.
The spread between the burden of regulation and taxes is getting so onerous that folks are just falling into the very solution you describe.
I believe your focus is more professional in nature in terms of folks being a hired gun (i.e. free-lancer/contract employee). But what I see are the non-professionals as the ones who are really moving to fill the void of value that is growing as deflation/inflation oscillate.