Lifetime Highs Galleria

It seems last Friday was yet another One Day Wonder in a long, long parade of them over the past eight years. We have resumed the Steadily Climb To Lifetime Highs schtick, as evidence by the mid caps…

……..the S&P 500……..

……..and the Dow Industrials…………..

Naturally, the bears have been getting killed, as we can see from the Ranger Bear fund, hitting yet another never-before-seen low price……

Of course, the real question is what happens when the S&P tags the extension level I’ve been talking so much about. We got within 1.6% of it on Friday………in other words, it’s spitting distance from here.

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Author: Travis Esquivel

Travis Esquivel is an engineer, passionate soccer player and full-time dad. He enjoys writing about innovation and technology from time to time.

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