Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts – Rosebud

“Mr. Kane was a man who got everything he wanted and then lost it. Maybe Rosebud was something he couldn’t get, or something he lost.”

Orson Welles, Citizen Kane

“Those among the rich who are not, in the rigorous sense, damned, can understand poverty, because they are poor themselves, after a fashion; but they cannot understand impoverishment. 

Capable of giving alms, perhaps, but incapable of stripping themselves bare, they will be moved, to the sound of beautiful music, at Jesus’s sufferings, but His Cross, the reality of His Cross, will horrify them. 

They want it all out of gold, bathed in light, costly and of little weight; pleasant to see, hanging from a woman’s beautiful throat.”

Léon Bloy

For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, but to lose his soul. 

God’s economy obviously has a very ironic sense of humor. Or justice.

The metals trade seems a little lighter today as ‘the other guys’ returned to the markets after last week’s May Day holiday.

May is an active month for silver, and the action on the Comex seems center on the white metal.

Non-Farm Payrolls on Friday.

Have a pleasant evening.

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Author: Travis Esquivel

Travis Esquivel is an engineer, passionate soccer player and full-time dad. He enjoys writing about innovation and technology from time to time.

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